It’s always struck me as a somewhat interesting paradox that despite the fact that age, like race or gender, is a “protected class” when it comes to workplace discrimination, we continue to talk about “millennials” in offensive ways that are a blatant compliance violation, if not cliched and hackneyed content.
Substitute the inherently ageist category of “millennial worker” with any other protected class and the hypocrisy of it all becomes pretty obvious. As a talent leader, you can’t get away with saying stuff like, “Most workers are lazy and have no work ethic,” or “Most employees expect a trophy just for showing up,” for example.
But replace “most” with “millennial,” and suddenly institutionalized discrimination becomes okay at best, and “HR thought leadership” (barf) at worst. If you really thought Latino workers were lazy or female employees were entitled and undependable, you’d probably just keep your opinions to yourself. Yet talent professionals and recruitment practitioners routinely say these things about Gen Y workers on the record – echoing the mainstream media’s decades long obsession with this hackneyed, tired topic.
That’s right, even the New York Times (not to mention pretty much every other mainstream media outlet) has embraced the Millennial myth by publishing hyperbole filled, hysterical sounding articles with such foreboding titles as “What Happens When Millennials Run the Workplace?” or “The Real Problem With Millennials at Work” (Spoiler alert: according to Inc. it’s the old people).
The fact of the matter is that our preoccupation with millennials in human resources and talent acquisition is inherently discriminatory and prejudiced, despite the fact that all the while, we’re simultaneously evangelizing the business imperative behind improving diversity and inclusion, and eliminating unconscious bias. Yeah. I don’t get it, either.
Employers spend billions of dollars a year on corporate diversity and inclusion initiatives, with an increasingly significant portion of that annual spend dedicated to software, services or systems designed to eliminate bias from the people process (a growing market pegged by the Harvard Business Review as currently representing half a billion dollars a year in aggregate spend).
Well, “people” people – yeah, HR and recruiting leaders, I’m talking to you – here’s an idea. Before investing billions to eliminate bias, maybe start off by informing your hiring stakeholders and talent team that age discrimination is not only wrong, but it’s also illegal…just ask the plaintiffs who successfully settled for north of a billion dollars last year in class action lawsuits and judgements relating to violations of age-related discrimination.
Of course, the overwhelming majority of these were related to the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act, which specifically protects workers over the age of 40 at companies with over 20 employees.
One can assume this demographic constitutes the overwhelming majority of Chief Human Resources Officer and talent leaders – and it seems like many are banking on those protection. But unlike the people currently running HR, Millennials prefer empiric over anecdotal evidence when making decisions.
Kids and their darned data, am I right? See, if you really looked at the world with the same characteristics so often ascribed to those crazy Millennials, you’d see that many of the most common myths surrounding Gen Y workers are, statistically speaking, “fake news.” Of course, we all know old people love that stuff, which is why they’re the only ones still on Facebook.
3 Myths About Gen Y that are Total BS (Statistically Speaking)
Consider these three myths about Millennials at work. Even if generational drama is mostly a matter for Family Feud, when it comes to Gen Y workers, survey says “you’re wrong.”
1. Millennials Hate Their Jobs.
Of course, Millennials hate work – it’s called work for a reason, and Gallup data on employee engagement shows that 70 percent of workers across all age groups “strongly disliked or hated” their jobs. Additionally, 80 percent of the workers surveyed reported being personally “dissatisfied” or “disappointed” with their chosen profession or careers. So yeah, there may be some truth to this particular characteristic, but the reality is that Millennials actually hate their jobs far less than other generational cohorts.
According to the Journal of Business and Psychology:
“Compared to Boomers and Gen Xers, Millennials reported higher levels of overall company and job satisfaction, satisfaction with job security, recognition, and career development and advancement, but reported similar levels of satisfaction with pay and benefits and the work itself, and turnover intentions.”
Looks like hating work is something you learn over time…probably from bitter older coworkers who spend most of their time complaining about how Millennials are ruining everything. #JustSaying
2. Millennials are Corporate Mercenaries.
Another longstanding Millennial myth is that the emerging workforce has more of an interest in working on “projects” or short-term, self-directed “gigs” than in long-term career progression with a single employer. Well, the days of getting that gold watch might be over, but that doesn’t mean that Gen Y workers are less loyal to their employers than any other generational cohort.
In fact, as the White House revealed in an economic policy report:
“Contrary to popular perceptions Millennials actually stay with their employers longer than Generation X workers did at the same ages. This reflects the fact that Millennials face a labor market characterized by longer job tenure, fewer employer switches and other types of career transitions, and lower overall fluidity in the labor market … Millennials are less likely to have been with their employer for less than a year than Generation X workers were at the same age, and they are more likely to have been with their employer for a fairly long period like 3 to 6 years.”
Looks like the real voluntary turnover companies should worry about is retirement. Although as a silver lining (no pun intended), presumably they’ll take the whole “Millennial” myth they largely created with them into retirement, too. At least, we can hope.
3. Millennials Don’t Have a Work Ethic.
We all know this one – you know, the whole theory that an entire generation was brought up without one of the universal cultural values shared by humanity throughout history. This anomaly has been blamed on everything from video games and social media to bad parenting. But the irony is that apparently Gen Y theorists were too lazy to actually, you know, fact check that whole “lack of work ethic” thing.
Because if they had, they’d probably see that Facebook or helicopter parenting aren’t the reason this generation doesn’t have a work ethic. It’s actually because that’s a completely fabricated and unsubstantiated (read: totally made up) Millennial characteristic. The Journal of Business and Psychology Reports:
“The finding that generational differences in the Protestant work ethic do not exist suggests that organizational initiatives aimed at changing talent management strategies and targeting them for the ‘very different’ millennial generation may be unwarranted and not a value added activity. Human resource-related organizational interventions aimed at building 21st century skills should therefore not be concerned with generational differences in Protestant work ethic as part of the intervention.”
In other words, stop wasting your time complaining about lack of work ethic – and Millennials in general – and get back to work. After all, we all have jobs to do and no matter what age you happen to be, it ain’t nothing but a number.
Especially when it comes to generations at work.